Print this $1/1 Softsoap Coupon before it reaches it’s limit again!
If you have a CVS nearby, checkout this deal you can do next week: print limit reached
Buy 3 Mennen, Irish Spring, or Softsoap Products = $3 Ecb (limit 1)
Buy 3 Softsoap Pampered Hands Liquid Hand soaps (*if this specific type is included in sale) $2
Use 3 $1/1 softsoap coupons (you’ll have to have 2 computers since you can only print 2 per computer)
Get: $3 Ecb
Final Price= FREE!
Thanks for the tips. I've now got my entire family couponing. My oldest daughter is helping a friend so she purchased baby items using coupons, and sales. It's exciting to be able to pass on the wisdom to help someone else in these times.